

SEMERGEN is the pioneer scientific society of Primary Care in Spain. In 2023 it celebrated its 50th anniversary, with the trust of more than 13,000 members. Its priority objective is to promote the specialty of Family and Community Medicine (MFyC) and the scope of work of Primary Care Medicine, collaborating in the improvement of healthcare and quality of life of citizens, not only treating the disease but promoting the health of the population.


The origin and reason for being of SEMERGEN is Rural Medicine. Its history is closely linked to rural doctors, who in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century made possible the arrival of health care to the entire society. 


Currently, SEMERGEN continues to be a demanding society committed to the defense and promotion of Family Medicine. It has assumed an active role in representing the professional, labor and ethical needs and interests of the Family Doctor before the different agents that make up the health system, as well as in addressing the necessary tools to contribute to the improvement of efficiency, viability and equity of the National Health System (SNS). 


It plays a fundamental role in maintaining and improving the professional competence of Family doctors, in their commitment to continued training, the promotion of research in Primary Care and excellence in clinical practice.


José Polo García

International Chairman
Zaira Correcher Salvador


C/ Jorge Juan 66, local, 28009 - Madrid Spain Madrid Spain
(34) 915 00 21 71
Last Modified
22 Nov 2024