“Sentio Ergo Sum - Learning and teaching about emotions in Family Medicine”
Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 17:00-19:00 CET (16:45 casual welcome session)
Dr Žan Trontelj (GP and Teaching Assistant) from Slovenia and Dr Isabelle Gérard (GP and Senior Lecturer) from Switzerland will lead the online Symposium and give lectures on how to recognize and care about emotions in the GP’s office visits. These brief lectures, in addition to viewing a short video, will lead to discussions in smaller groups where experiences and ideas from the participants will be shared to inspire each other.
Registration is free of charge for EURACT members and only €15 for non-members.
To register simply click here and log into your EURACT account. If you do not have a EURACT account it takes only a couple of minutes to register onto the website.
Please go to the Event Foyer and login with the EURACT Account you have registered with to access the virtual symposium. To join the session you must have Zoom installed.
Intended learning outcomes:
- participants will enhance their awareness of emotions behind the patients’ complaints, emotions in the GP’s perception of the patients’ problems and how to teach this psychosocial approach to your trainees.
- how can we recognize and name emotions/what tool can we use?
- how to address the emotional aspect in a patient’s complaint/are there structured methods to help physicians in this role?
- colleagues from multiple countries will inspire each other and bring new ideas on how to discuss and care for emotions
Members of EURACT will act as facilitators in these groups and help pull it all together in the end.
Dr John (Yonah) Yaphe Yonah is a family physician and associate professor in the School of Medicine of Minho University in Portugal. He is also an on-line clinical supervisor for graduate students in Psychology at Yorkville University in Canada. He has been a director of the EURACT Bled course since 1997 |
Dr Yael Gillerman Yael is a family physician and educator at Tel Aviv University. She manages a primary care clinic, serves as Deputy Department Manager of Family Medicine at Clalit Health Services, and chairs the Israeli Association of Family Medicine. She also volunteers with Marpe LaRehov, treating people experiencing homelessness and developing primary care services. |
Dr Darta Purina Darta is a family doctor with a specialized focus on prevention. Also a lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine at Riga Stradins University, working primarily with international students. Currently a member of the workgroup developing a Master’s program for Advanced Practice Nursing. |
Dr Alan Shirley Alan has been a GP in the UK for 32 years. Clinically he worked for 30 years in the same practice in a socially deprived area of Sheffield in Northern England. He has extensive medical educational experience as GP trainer, GP appraiser and GP Training Program Director, and he is currently GP Director for the South Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub providing postgraduate education to GPs and the wider multidisciplinary team. He is delighted to have been on the faculty of the EURACT Bled course for the last 8 years. |
Dr Denise Velho Denise is a practicing GP/FM specialist since 2005 and a trainer since 2008. Since January 2024 she is the Clinical Director of Primary Health Care in the Region of Leiria (ULS RL). She is member of the board of the national association of GP/FM specialists (APMGF) and the national association of family health units (USF-AN). |
Dr Ruth Kalda Ruth is a practicing family doctor and professor of family medicine at the University of Tartu, Estonia. She has been involved in teaching already more than 25 years, teaching at each level of medical education- undergraduate, residency training, and CME/CPD. She has currently also a position of vice-dean of medical education in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu. |
Dr Arabelle Rieder Dr Rieder is a practising family doctor and teacher who works at Geneva Medical School as a senior lecturer since 2010. As head of Faculty development in the Family Medicine Institute she trains GP/FDs who mentor medical students and trainees in their practice.
Dr Zan Trontelj Žan is a practicing family physician, as well as a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. He also serves on the management board of the Slovene Family Medicine Society and the Institute for Development of Family Medicine.
Dr Isabelle Gérard Isabelle is a practicing Family Physician and a senior lecturer at the Geneva Medical School.