69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

Last week, from September 15-20, health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, as well as partner and civil society organizations, including WONCA Europe, took part in the 69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in Copenhagen.

You can find WHO Europe's daily reports here: 
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Day 4

Various sessions during the week demonstrated how WHO Europe 69 is clearly prioritising primary health care for the next year. Person centred care, patient participation, shared decision making, patient education, and self-management were highlighted as key areas to address – all in line with our core values at WONCA Europe. 

There was a good presence of Non-State Actors this year, and they were warmly received by WHO Europe's Member States. 

We would like to congratulate Hans Kluge, elected as the next World Health Organization's Regional Director for Europe during this 69th WHO Regional Committee for Europe. We look forward to our continued collaboration with the WHO, strengthening our MOU, and partnering for progress on achieving universal health coverage through prioritising primary health care.  

"WHO Europe 69 is clearly mentioning and prioritsing primary health care for the next year. Person centred care, patient participation, shared decision making, patient education, and self-management were highlighted as key areas to address – all in line with our core values at WONCA Europe."

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ungan, President of WONCA Europe

Primary care was also highlighted by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO, as one of the three main challenges to address in the following year: 

“I leave you with three challenges for the next year:
1- Determine the root causes
2- Strengthen health literacy
3- Prioritize primarycare"

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ungan, President of WONCA Europe, was invited to make an oral statement on promoting equity in the WHO Region, one of the key technical issues on the agenda: Agenda Item 5a. You may find other written and video statements here

WONCA Europe's written statement can be accessed here: "Promoting Equity For a Better Quality of Care for all Europeans" .

See here for an article on the statement in WONCA World regional news. 

World Patient Safety Day was also celebrated for the first time during this week. Here's EQuiP's video: Small Steps Towards Patient Safety, which was shared widely to raise awareness during the first #worldpatientsafetyday.

We would like to congratulate Hans Kluge, elected as the next World Health Organization's Regional Director for Europe during this week. We look forward to our continued collaboration with the WHO, strengthening our MOU, and partnering for progress on achieving universal health coverage through prioritising primary health care.