Europen Cancer Organization (E.C.O) Meeting on Primary Prevention

As WONCA Europe President and past presidents we were invited and have attended in Europen Cancer Organization (E.C.O) Meeting on Primary Prevention that took place online from 13:00 to 16:00 CEST, 28 May 2021, and co-chaired by Matti Aapro, President of the E.C.O, and Rui Medeiros, President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues. That was a fruitful and effective meeting with presentations and discussions on prevention under many topics. Alcohol, tobacco, diet, lifestyle, and obesity were the main subtitles. Presentations were by authors from NGOs and professional organizations from all around the world not only in Europe. Preventing cancer through improved obesity treatment session President Shlomo Vinkker made a presentation on behalf of WONCA Europe, with the title of "Practitioners viewpoints"