Featured Network: EGPRN

European General Practice Research Network

EGPRN is a network organization within WONCA Europe and has 46 years of experience in research!


European General Practice Research Network (formerly known as EGPRW, European General Practice Research Workshop) is an organization of general practitioners and other health professionals involved in research in general practice / family medicine, established more than 40 years ago.


Its main aims are to promote and stimulate research in general practice and family medicine, to initiate and coordinate multinational research projects, to exchange research experiences and by doing so to develop a valid international base for general practice. These aims are pursued

  • by organisation of international meetings
  • by networking among researchers with international contacts, discussion and exchange of information
  • by stimulating research in and for general practice in Europe through support of collaborative research groups and conducting/participating in international research projects.
  • by giving educational activities – courses and workshops about conducting research
  • by giving vision of research in general practice, written in european research agenda

Exchange of Research

EGPRN has national representatives from 33 countries, 204 individual members and 43 institutional members.

EGPRN organizes scientific meetings about research in primary care twice a year in May and October in a different European city every time with a special theme and visits to practices of local family doctors. We publish a book of abstracts with an ISBN number, a selection of abstracts is published in the European Journal of general Practice and another selection of abstracts is published in Eurasian Journal of Family medicine. Keynote speakers publish a background paper on the theme of the conference in European Journal of General Practice.

High quality and friendly atmosphere

Think of special price for low income countries, "Blue Dot" coffees for the first time attendees of new young researchers, feedback on presentation, mentoring on publication, a "Research Cafe" for a chat about specific questions in research projects, special methodology sessions, lunch workshops, preconference workshops, sometimes in the local language. This makes EGPRN meetings an excellent platform for junior and experienced researchers.

Networking and advantages for members

Members can join Collaborative Studies, Research Fellowship program, Online Research Course (with graduation certificate), benefit travel grants to join EGPRN meetings and apply for EGPRN project funding for their research projects.

EGPRN Fellowship Program

The fellowship is free of charge for members, it is a Skype based practical mentoring course for primary care researchers. During the course, three EGPRN Fellows work with an experienced primary care researcher. For more information you can visit EGPRN web page.

The International web based course on Research in Primary Health Care

It helps the participants to design a research question, give participants a basic understanding of research methods and biostatistics, give practical experience of development of study protocols and applications for research funding and give practical experience of use of computers for database manipulation, use of spread-sheets and statistical analysis.

Collaborative Studies

EGPRN has seven on going and six finished collaborative studies. List and details of past projects can be found on EGPRN web page.

  1. The FPDM Study explores the Concept of Multimorbidity for Further Research into Long-Term Care
  2. HEFESTOS Study. HEart Failure European STratification and OutcomeS
  3. The PROCOPD Study. Prognostic ability of ADO, BODEx and DOSE indices in primary care.
  4. The TATA Study. Project for Tool Assessment for Therapeutic Alliance
  5. The PIPE Study. Family Physicians' Informal Payment Central and Eastern Europe
  6. The Örenäs Study. What are the most important ways of improving the early detection of cancer in primary care?
  7. The LESS Study about elderly

Research Agenda for General Practice / Family Medicine and Primary Health Care in Europe

In 2010 EGPRN published a Research Agenda and now we are working on updating the agenda.

EU Projects

EGPRN is involved in an ERASMUS + project on Innovative Training for Technology-Based Frailty and Falls Management with the project "Fall-in-Age".

EGPRN with numbers

46 years of experience in research
204 individual members and 43 institutional members from 33 countries in May 2020
2130 users registered on EGPRN web page
843 Committed Facebook group members in 2020
89 meetings held in 45 years
2 position papers and 2 meeting abstracts published at EJGP (European Journal of General Practice) annually
9 fellow graduates since 2016
28 graduates since in three years
1 Research Agenda for General Practice / Family Medicine and Primary Health Care in Europe

Contact EGPRN
