The WONCA Europe president’s corner – June 2021

Dear WONCA Europe members,

This is my first corner and in this corner, I will try to keep you all informed about the activities of our executive. I ask you to feel free to contact me on any topic that you would like to discuss with me or with our EB members.

In the last few months, we run elections to the position of WE President-Elect. The position became vacant, after the resignation of the previous president, Prof. Mehmet Ungan, and me stepping into the position. This is a good opportunity to send our appreciation for his long-lasting and valuable contribution to Family medicine and to WONCA. I am sure that he will continue to contribute for many years.

The process of elections ended in postal voting for the position of president-elect. We sent voting envelopes to 39 countries. It was a complicated and challenging operation that was handled perfectly by our secretary, Barbara, and we thank her for the successful operation. In the end, we received 26 votes, all supported the new president-elect and I am sending Prof. Thomas Frese a warm welcome to join us in the leadership of family medicine / general practice in Europe.   

We will meet virtually very soon in the WONCA Europe annual scientific meeting organized by the Dutch college and “Kenes International” PCO. The program is very interesting and relevant to every FD /GP and to every family medicine educator and researcher.


Prof. Shlomo Vinker