During the WONCA Europe Conference 2024 in Dublin, a team under the lead of Prof. Dorien Zwart hosted a workshop on the 26th of September to find out and discuss how the exiting WONCA Europe Core Values are recognized in the workshop attendees’ home countries, how they are implemented in their daily work and what obstacles regarding the implementation are perceived.
It was a well-attended and lively workshop that demonstrated a very mixed picture of recognition and impact one´s daily work. Time, money and bureaucracy were identified as the biggest obstacles.
The team (Nina Monteiro (P), Roar Maagard (DK), Kathi Schmalstieg (D), Helen Alter (EST), Nena Kopcavar Gucek (SLO), Dorien Zwart (NL)) will use this insight to contribute to the ongoing WONCA World Core values project.
You can also participate by answering a short questionnaire using the link: