WONCA Europe Future Plan 2016-2019

The 2016-2019 Future Plan, which is adopted by the WONCA Europe Council, is our strategic document for the triennium, and builds upon the previous plan published in 2014.

Our vision

Our vision is that everyone shall have timely access to a highly skilled family doctor throughout the course of life unconditionally. Our mission is to lead the development of GP/FM discipline in the Region Europe by putting in action our core values; addressing the current challenges of health and health care in the European Region; and improving the ability of our organisation to react towards change in a prompt and appropriate way.

Strategic objective

Accordingly, our core strategic objective are:

  • Achieve universal coverage and "state of the art" family medicine to be implemented in all of Europe.
  • Advocate integrated care to be implemented, horizontally among primary health care stakeholders and vertically among the different levels of health care.
  • Strengthen links between GP/FM and Public Health strategies.
  • Support the development of a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum with GP/FM concepts in each Medical School in Europe, and support the postgraduate contextualised specialty training in GP/FM in each European country tailored to the population needs and educational resources. 
  • Strengthen the research base of GP/FM. 
  • Foster quality and patient safety assurance. 
  • Attract and recruit new and future high quality, motivated and committed family doctors in the above mentioned activities. 

Our focus

To reach our strategic objectives, action is needed. In essence, our focus will have two axes:

  1. CONTENT & RECOGNITION: enhance the production, curation and promotion of our scientific, cultural and advocacy outcome; and accelerate the recognition of WONCA Europe in the public and political debate on health care;
  2. INTERNAL ORGANISATION: optimise the organisational structure and promptness. 

The full document is attached below.