WONCA Europe Newsletter September 2020 Edition

WONCA Europe Newsletter September 2020

Dear WONCA Europe members, and presidents of our member organisations, networks and special interest groups, dear family doctors all around the WONCA Europe region.

We are facing a new wave of COVID-19 in many European countries while other countries around the globe are still in the first wave. But using the term "wave" is irrelevant and for the near future, it is clear that COVID-19 is here to stay, at least until the wide use of effective vaccines.

This COVID-19 that entered our lives changed many aspects of our professional and private lives. WONCA Europe with DEGAM, the host member organization of our annual conference, came to a conclusion that we will not be able to have our conference in Berlin this year in the old format and are looking for the best format for the conference. We all hope for a better future and to meet each of you face to face next year in Amsterdam.


On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Sonia Tsukagoshi, VdGM, Member at large
Shlomo Vinker, President Elect of WONCA Europe
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors

WONCA Europe is Working

Dear Members, Dear Colleagues

Welcome to the WONCA Europe monthly Newsletter. As I informed you before in April, for your safety, upon recommendation of the DEGAM, PCO, HoC and WECC, our executive board has agreed on postponing the regular WONCA Europe Berlin Conference from June to December, as there was no other date and venue option due to massive postponements of all conferences in Berlin. Thinking that we would be able to travel 6 months after the original date we were happy to meet those who would be able to come. We would have participated in face-to-face workshops, welcome reception, socialised in the gala dinner, maybe noticing a change in the hair colour, in mood, seeing the body language, talking on the COVID-19 and how it touches all our lives.

Increasing violence towards health professionals, mainly including GPs/FDs, legal problems demotivating PC service providers. We have various webinars, with various people talking on very rapidly inclusion of Telemedicine/Digital Health into daily practice although lack of a well established legal or regulatory base. Lack of PPE still in many parts of Europe, poor health literacy, poor selfcare, poor respect in some PC settings sadly ending with thousands of ...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Upcoming Events

The European Conference of Family Doctors (organised by DEGAM, WONCA member)
December 17-19, 2020, Berlin - Germany

Fall-in-Age Introductory Online Course

October 8, 2020, Online Event

90th EGPRN Meeting
October 16-17, 2020, Online Event


Featured MO: The Romanian National Society of Family Medicine

In Romania, Family Medicine is a medical specialty, with an admission exam for the residency program, curriculum, and 4-year-vocational training, the final exam for obtaining the title of the specialist physician.

SNMF is the national representative organization of family physicians in Romania, structured as a network of 36 regional organizations, each with independent legal status. The leadership structure of the national association includes the Senate of the association, the Executive Board, and the President.

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe Statement for 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, 14-15 September 2020

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic modern information and communication technologies have been rapidly introduced to deliver health services. Telemedicine in primary care includes triage, sharing of images and remote consultations using audio and/or video technology. Telemedicine is effective, feasible and relatively affordable even in low middle income countries, provided there is sufficient internet access in rural/remote areas.

 Click here to read the rest of the statement on our website.

Please send materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.