World Book of Family Medicine - European Edition 2015


On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of WONCA Europe, WONCA Europe's Executive Board presents a gift to all general practitioners and family physicians all over the world: The World Book of Family Medicine!

The ‘World Book’ is a series of short stories, reflecting the best of what has been presented at WONCA conferences over the last 20 years, but also with views for the future – updated!

The ‘World Book’ has several inspirational aspects. First the topics were chosen from about 20,000 abstracts, After selecting a short list of 275 titles best representing the daily work of a family doctor, from abstracts from conferences of the last 20 years, a panel from WONCA World Executive and WONCA Europe Executive chose the best 100. The authors had to prepare a contribution in 1000 words or less, with five or less take home messages and eight or less references.


It is a free to download Anniversary Edition! Find it here: