Why Lifestyle Medicine?

During the last decade, Lifestyle Medicine has evolved as a specialty alongside the dramatic rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases that can be avoided or better managed with the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. 

According to the World Health Organization around two thirds of diseases worldwide are related to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. WHO report April 2021 

It is our belief that physicians can and must help their patients by motivating them to improve health behaviors and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Research has shown that the more physicians advise their patients regarding a healthy lifestyle, the greater the chance that a lifestyle change will occur. In addition, it has been found that physicians may serve as effective role models for healthy lifestyle behaviors -  Healthy Docs = Healthy Patients project. 

Professional Lifestyle Medicine organizations now exist in a growing number of countries on six continents and provide education and training in this field. 

Given all of this, we initiated a SIG in order to develop Lifestyle Medicine within WONCA Europe.