The plan is a result of work over time in the council of our organization, and was adopted in the Council Meeting in Lisbon in July 2014.
The plan consists of two parts. The core document consists of two pages, including the diagram with the listing of networks and activities. This part is easily accessible, easy to read, short sentences, clear messages. Part two consists of three pages, where the interested reader can find the more detailed description of content, reasoning and our current activities. The action plan should be revised yearly, and will be a tool for assessment of whether we work in line with the plan. It also specifies the names of responsible persons within EB.
The persons, provided with necessary authorization to delegate and collaborate with other relevant persons and bodies within the organization, are responsible for allocated tasks being carried out.
Our hope is that the plan, pointing out common goals for the whole organization, will prove to be useful for all parts of WONCA Europe, when planning activities, aiming at collaboration and thus obtaining synergy effects.
WONCA Europe Executive Board welcomes comments and suggestions on how to go further with the plan in collaboration with all parts of our organization.
Prof Job FM Metsemakers, MD, PhD
President WONCA Europe
Anna Stavdal
Vice President WONCA Europe
Last modified on 21 Sep 2023.