WONCA Europe Future Plan 2023-2027

General Practice/Family Medicine has faced substantial challenges over the last years. These challenges point to the need to change current approaches and for WONCA Europe and the wider General Practice community to act on strategically important issues. The Executive Board of WONCA Europe have agreed on four thematic goals to focus on from 2023-2027:

  1. Identifying tasks which are senseless or may be delegated.
    General Practice/Family Medicine is facing serious challenges, including a shortage of healthcare professionals and excessive bureaucratic regulations, which contribute to the exhausting of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. Identifying senseless and delegable tasks and describing these in a position paper may contribute to an improvement of the situation of WONCA Europe members.
  2. Legal regulations and quality standards on telemedicine should be formulated and established.
    WONCA Europe should contribute to this process to ensure that the interests of General Practitioners/Family Physicians are considered. Important components should include: How digital care and online consultations are conducted, how telemedicine affects patient care, identification of best practice models and guidelines to conduct telemedicine safely, and effective approaches for their evaluation.
  3. Having a leading role regarding OneHealth.
    WONCA Europe should  identify and approach leaders and key actors in the field of OneHealth to actively promote the place of General Practice/Family Medicine in OneHealth by formulating recommendations and running collaborative projects.
  4. Getting more connected to other stakeholders
    WONCA Europe should further strengthen existing relationships with other stakeholders, including the World Health Organisation and European Union, with the intention of developing and applying for external funds to run collaborative projects in order to improve the quality of life of people through fostering and maintaining high standards of care in General Practice/Family Medicine as joint activity with the networks and Special Interest Groups.



Last modified on 11 Dec 2023.