28th WONCA Europe Conference


Dear Friends and Colleagues, hello to you all!

Let’s start by introducing ourselves:

My name is Aurore Girard, I am the Vice-President of Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale (member of the Belgian Society for General Practitioners) and I have the privilege to chair the Host Organising Committee for the 28th WONCA Europe conference in Brussels from 7 to 10 June 2023.

My name is Ann Van den Bruel - I’m a GP in Antwerp and an Associate Professor at the KU Leuven in Belgium, and the Chair of the Scientific Committee of WONCA Europe 2023.

It is our pleasure to welcome you in the capital of more than 500 million Europeans. As the centre of European culture and institutions, Brussels has much more to offer than most people imagine. Apart from its famous chocolates and beers, there are almost 90 museums, beautiful parks, architecture, bars and much more.

Our conference theme is “Making choices in primary care”. The Scientific Committee is preparing an exciting programme based on original abstracts and contributions from leading international scientific networks and special interest groups. Coming together as a research community, WONCA 2023 will showcase cutting edge research to support primary care in Europe.

The conference will give us all a chance to meet, discuss choices and implement positive change.

See you soon in Brussels!

Aurore Girard
President WONCA Europe Conference 2023

7-10 June 2023
SQUARE Convention Centre, Brussels, Belgium