Abstract Submission Deadline: 28 February 2022
Dear Colleagues,
EQuiP is the European Society for Quality and Patient Safety in General Practice/Family Medicine (GP/FM), and is a WONCA Europe network of professionals interested in quality and patient safety. EQuiP aims to promote and exchange knowledge and innovations for education, training, research, and good practice in quality and patient safety, and to support networking among professionals. To join EQUIP click here equip.woncaeurope.org
This conference facilitates a shared learning experience focussing on the domains of healthcare quality, including healthcare activity at the interfaces between primary care and other parts of the health system – public health, community care, integrated care, transitional care and health policy.
We invite you to submit an abstract for a panel presentation in a symposium within one of the four themes of the conference.
Join your international colleagues at EQUIP 2022, registration is free.
We look forward to meeting you!
Dr Andrée Rochfort, President of EQUIP