EGPRN Spring Conference 2018


Location: Pôle Formation of the medical school of Lille, France


The main topic of the meeting will be: „General Practice / Family Medicine in a changing World“

World is changing and general practice has to be adapting to accompany profound mutations.The traditional European self-employed GP practicing in a solo clinic is not the model of practice that young GP expect to join. On the other hand, the running of public primary care clinics appears to be too expensive to national health authorities and patients complain about a lack of attention of the health professionals who work there: there is a trend to privatize these settlements. Young GPs mainly intend to work in group practices, if possible in large towns, as a team with midwifes, nurses, physiotherapists and other primary care health professionals. As they have been studying for a long time and start to earn money much later than those who did shorter studies, they consider deserving comfortable incomes, but they are not keen on managing primary care clinics or to have (very) long working days. For these reasons, though medical schools and vocational training schemes never trained as many GP registrars as nowadays, many countries in Europe are facing difficulties to replace the GPs from the baby-boom generation. How can research in primary care propose new practice models offering satisfactory quality in care, consideration of the patient, and a fulfilling vocational frame to primary care health professionals?

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Deadline for sending in abstracts: 15th January, 2018.

Further information and registration: and


Best regards,

Hanny Prick,
EGPRN Executive Manager

10-13 May 2018
Lille , France