Webinar: Intro to Lifestyle as Medicine

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The Lifestyle Medicine SIG welcomes you to a webinar on 24th August 2023 in collaboration with the ELMC.

24 August 2023, 20:00 CEST 


  • 20.00 - 20.15: A short introduction and greetings on behalf of WONCA Europe - Prof. Shlomo Vinker and Dr Fraser Quin on behalf of ELMC, greetings on behalf of LM SIG WE and webinar plan - Dr. Malatskey
  • 20.15 - 20.40: The six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine (20 min lecture + 5 min Q&A) - Dr. Charlotte Salter
  • 20.40-21.00: Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition – Healthy choices, preparations, and tips - Dr. Tehila Mazal
  • 21.00-21.30: An Introduction to Stress Management as a Pillar of Lifestyle Medicine - Dr. Miriam Maisel


The 6 pillars of Lifestyle Medicine 

Lifestyle medicine is applying evidence-based, whole-person, prescriptive lifestyle change to treat and, often reverse non-communicable diseases. The 6 pillars can be used as a structure to ensure a holistic approach. Applying the six pillars of lifestyle medicine—a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connections can help patients implement positive behaviour change.  

About Dr Charlotte Salter 

A Family Medicine Specialist currently working in Oslo, Norway. Studied at the Keele University and specialised in General Practice in the UK in 2019. Starting her career as a General Practitioner in the Royal Air Force, and then moved to Norway and completed the International Diploma of Lifestyle medicine. Charlotte has co-founded The Norwegian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (NFLM) and is an associate member of the European Lifestyle Medicine Council (ELMC). 



Healthy lifestyle and Nutrition – Healthy choices, preparations, and tips 

Healthy diet throughout lifespan is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing illnesses. We will discuss: The Doctors role in diet counselling and the impact on patients’ health; The main principles of the Mediterranean diet; How to choose healthy ingredients and provide healthier cooking methods; and, we will provide easy tips to give your patients in the clinic. 

About Dr Tehila Mazal 

A Family Medicine Specialist works in Jerusalem, Israel. Studied at the Hebrew University and holds a master's degree in Public Health and a Bachelor degree in Biology and Psychology. Her research is focused on the Mediterranean diet and healthy cooking. She believes that “Your food will be your medicine” (Maimonides). Member of WONCA Europe Lifestyle medicine SIG. 



An Introduction to Stress Management as a Pillar of Lifestyle Medicine 

This introduction to stress management will include a brief review of the physiology of stress and how chronic stress impacts health and wellbeing. Stress management methods entered Western medicine in the 1970’s through the work of Dr Herbert Benson, and we will look at historical context and have time for a short experiential exercise from the Stress Management and Resiliency Training course (S.M.A.R.T.). 

About Dr Miriam Maisel: 

Dr Miriam Maisel dip IBLM/BLSM has been practising medicine for more than 3 decades and recently retired from General Practice Work in the UK.  In addition to conventional family practice, she has trained in Lifestyle Medicine and certified with the first UK cohort in 2018. She is one of a small number of non-US physicians to be qualified to teach the Harvard based Stress Management and Resiliency Training, (SMART) based on the pioneering work of Dr Herbert Benson at Harvard, and she has been teaching this 8 week program to small groups of doctors since 2021. Her teaching is informed by a lifelong practice of meditation in traditional contexts. She currently has a small private Lifestyle Medicine Clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel 

24 August 2023