Pain in Europe XII Congress - EFIC 2022

EFIC is delighted to announce that registration for the upcoming Pain in Europe XII Congress – Targeting Pain and its Comorbidities in the Digital Age, is now OPEN!

Join the European Pain Federation EFIC for a big, on-site, live celebration of science and education in Dublin on the occasion of the first in-person gathering of the European pain community since 2019. Our #EFIC2022 scientific programme includes in-person meetings, interactions and round table discussions with speakers, poster presenters and peers.

Please know that we are taking all COVID-19 scenarios into consideration. While our main focus is on providing an in-person experience with all the great well-known features of an EFIC Congress, we offer both on-site and online registration options. Should your plans change make use of our flexible cancellation policy: Change your registration from in-person to online or vice versa on or before 15 February 2022.

Buy your ticket now and don’t miss out – meet us in Dublin on 27-30 April 2022!


27-30 April 2022
Dublin, Ireland