Priority setting of primary health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic

This second edition of the "Let's Talk Primary Health Care" talk show will focus on priority setting of primary health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be seeking practical experiences from both policy and practice.

Host: MELITTA JAKAB, Head of Ofce, WHO European, Centre for Primary Health Care, @melittajakab


  • PROF MEHMET UNGAN, President of WONCA Europe, @MehmetUngan
  • DR SUVI VAINIOMÄKI, GP & Deputy Chief Physician, Turku Welfare Division, Finland
  • DR TONI DEDEU, Senior Expert of the WHO, European Center for Primary, Health Care, @Toni_Dedeu
  • DR PIA VRACKO, Senior Advisor, National Public Health, Institute, Slovenia, @pia_vracko