WE Talk with Assoc Prof Maria Pilar Astier Peña
Join us live on Tuesday November 9th, 19:00 CET.
WONCA Europe introduces "WE Talk", a short talk-show-like programme where a person of interest is interviewed. Dr Mehmet Ungan will be the host of the show.
Our third guest is Dr Maria Pilar Astier Peña. She is a Spanish Family and Community Medicine Specialist and a Preventive Medicine and Public Health Specialist too from Spain. She belongs to SEMFYC (Spanish Society for Family and Community Medicine) and is the chair of the patient safety working party of SEMFYC. She works as a frontline family doctor in a primary health centre in Zaragoza (Spain). She is an associated professor at the Medical School, University of Zaragoza since 2005 and mentor of residents of the Family and Community Residency Program of Zaragoza since 2009.
She is an active member of EQUIP (European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Medicine). Her commitment to WONCA led her to leading the WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety in Family Medicine for the last 4 years. During these 4 years, she has actively collaborated with WHO (World Health Organization) to design and develop the Global Action Plan on Patient Safety 2021-2030 and to highlight the essential role of primary care and family medicine on building a safe healthcare system. She has also been promoting the World Patient Safety Day on September 17th every year with WONCA WP on quality and safety to strengthen the patient safety culture as a core competence of family doctors.
She is now applying to become a member at large of WONCA, with a special interest in the position of WHO liaison.Her main research topics are Patient Safety in Primary Care and Clinical Reasoning Improving tools.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3192-7672
Twitter: @PilarAstier
Linkedin: María Pilar Astier Peña
We hope to host the other candidates for the WONCA World Executive Committee in the coming days and introduce them to Wonca Europe Region.