WE Talk with Assoc Prof Viviana Martinez - Bianchi

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WE Talk with Assoc Prof Viviana Martinez - Bianchi

Join us live on Tuesday November 2nd, 19:00 CET.

WONCA Europe introduces "WE Talk", a short talk-show-like programme where a person of interest is interviewed. Dr Mehmet Ungan will be the host of the show.

Our second guest is Dr Viviana Martinez - Bianchi. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi is Associate Professor, and Director for Health Equity in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Duke University in North Carolina, US. She is a Member-at-large of the WONCA World Executive and WONCA-WHO-Liaison since 2016, and Chair of the Organizational Equity Committee. Viviana has represented WONCA to WHO and the United Nations starting with the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2011. She is now one of the candidates for WONCA World President.

More details about her can be found on her website https://vivimbmdforwonca.com/

We hope to host the other candidates for the WONCA World Executive Committee in the coming days and introduce them to Wonca Europe Region.

2 November 2021