"Greener Practices, Lifestyles and Planetary Health" and "Making Mental Health a Priority for Prevention: the Ethical Imperative" were the titles of two keynotes presented at the 2023 European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care. The forum occurred in Porto with 266 registered participants last April 17th and 18th. These two keynotes generated positive engagement and discussion among the participants. But other hot topics related to different levels of prevention were also discussed. For example, John Brodersen and Carlos Martins debated the problem of overdiagnosis in the context of breast cancer screening.
Shlomo Vinker, president of WONCA Europe, shared a reflection about the advantages of using point-of-care ultrasound in Family Medicine. Also related to the point-of-care ultrasound Camilla Aakjær shared an exciting education program that allowed the implementation of this new diagnostic technology while trying to avoid some of its possible harms. In this context, Alexandra Jønsson offered an anthropological reflection on the use of new technologies in Family Medicine.
The productivity of the forum was also visible through the engaging free presentations and posters. The interaction with the posters was also a positive experience and a more sustainable one. You may confirm this by yourself by visiting this webpage: https://europrev.eu/2023-forum-posters/
Finally, a positive remark about the involvement of other WONCA Europe networks: although being a EUROPREV initiative, it was nice to see the active participation and collaboration of EQUIP, EGPRN and EYFDM in this forum.
The next European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care will be in Türkiye in April 2024 - more details to be announced soon.