30th Anniversary of EQuiP

by Ulrik Bak Kirk

EQuiP is celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2021. It has formally been in existence since 1991, initially founded and led by researcher Richard Grol from the Netherlands, with the aim of developing tools and methods for quality improvement in general practice in collaboration with leading European GP research institutions.

30 Years of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in less than 10 mins!
In this video, five past EQuiP Presidents present particular perspectives on what EQuiP was, what they have become and the challenges COVID-19 have brought to quality improvement and patient safety in Europe.

Link to YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdwcBCMJ-RA

In my presidency the big points I remember are first: EQuiP turned from an organisation which was more informal to a more formal organisation, so we developed the constitutions of EQuiP.

Joachim Szecsenyi (EQuiP President 2002-2005, 2006-2008)

The future of quality and safety is achieved with a strong commitment to the science of improvement, understanding the rigor and importance of rigor, and with a degree of pragmatism as well.

Martin Marshall (EQuiP President 2005-2006)

When you want to influence something, it’s important to make clear what you want to influence and why. I would say that EQuiP is a network of people working in the quality and safety fields.

Tina Eriksson (EQuiP President 2008-2015)

There is no quality without equity and it has become more and more important and I think it should continue that way.

Piet vanden Bussche (EQuiP President 2015-2018)

EQuiP is an international body, which needs to have influence in different areas of quality and safety, both on a country and an international level.

Zalika Klemenc Ketis (EQuiP President 2018-2021)

EQuiP history in-depth

Furthermore, we invite you to explore the anniversary ePDF, which in 45 pages tells about the past, present, and future of quality improvement and patient safety: