The 97th EGPRN meeting took place at The House of Doctors in Prague, Czechia Republic between 12 - 15 October 2023, under the theme "Innovative technologies and methods in General Practice". 192 delegates from over 32 countries attended the conference, with a representation of 16.8% from the host country.
Keynote lectures were delivered by Prof. Dr. Niek de Wit (University Medical Center Utrech, The Netherlands) and Assist. Prof. Miroslav Klugar (Director and Founder the Cochrane Czech Republic and Head of Department of EBM and Assessment of the Healthcare Quality, Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czechia). Keynote speakers reflected on "New technology in clinical practice; will it help the general practitioner?" and "Innovative Methods in the Development of Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines", respectively.
Additionally to the theme and freestanding papers, and poster presentations, participants had an opportunity to participate in several hands-on, interactive workshops, including:
"Writing for Publication – Meet the Editors for Tips and Tricks", led by Jelle Stoffers, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of General Practice (EJGP), and Hans Thulesius, National Editor for Sweden of the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care;
"Point-of-Care Ultrasonography Training for General Practitioners" (led by Roman Škulec and David Halata (Czech Society of General Practice)
"How to Build a Research Capacity in Primary Care", led by Dr. Alexander Bauer and Dipl.-Kffr. b
(Medical Faculty of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle-Germany)
There has been an important increase on the enrolment rate of our Web-Based Research Course, with seven participants presenting their final face-to-face presentations in EGPRN Prague. As per EGPRN meeting's tradition, the best poster was awarded a free registration for the next conference. Congratulations to Natalia Ponzel with her poster titled: "Does personalised advice about cervical and breast cancer screening effects women’s intention to be screened?"
We are now excited to invite you to attend the 98th EGPRN meeting that will be held in Porto, between 9 - 12 May 2024. The theme of this meeting is "Evidence-based General Practice. Abstract submission is already open. We look forward to seeing you there!
Public Relation and Communications Committee, EGPRN
Ana Luisa Neves
Ayse Çaylan
Tiny van Merode
Burak Usgurlu
Tuomas Koskela
Viktoria Tchatchenko
Radost Assenova
Marion Tomicic
Ayşen Fenercioğlu
Mine Kaya