WONCA Europe Executive Board met in Naples on Saturday, 11 February 2023 for a regular live meeting.
WONCA Europe future plan was discussed and approved. The new triennium plan will be presented in the 2023 council in Brussels.
WONCA Europe will continue to produce a series of webinars on the topic “debates on cancer screening” and WONCA Europe Talk Sessions.
The task groups on “Desirable qualifications for general practice university posts” completed the work. The final document will be presented to the Council in Brussels.
WONCA Europe received 14 applications for the new WONCA Europe Project Fund Call, and 7 applications for the WONCA Europe 5 Star Doctor Award. The applications are currently under evaluation by the jury..
Members are invited to participate in a competition/call for the anthem of WONCA Europe under the title “From GPs to GPs”.
Besides WE Executive Board held a Meeting with Professor Francesco Cacciatore, Universita' Degli Studi Napoli Federico II, who gave an overview of the situation of academic family medicine in Italy.