Featured Association: EUVEKUS / EADUS

Europäische Vereinigung für die Entwicklung von Klinischen Ultraschalluntersuchungen im Ambulanten Gesundheitswesen. (EUVEKUS)

European Association for the Development of Clinical Ultrasonography in Ambulatory Health Care (Outpatient Healthcare). (EADUS)

Created in 2016, the EUVEKUS (EADUS) is a non-profit, non-patrimonial, independent association with its legal personality, consisting of several family doctors, from all regions of Europe, practicing ultrasonography with competency and certified in general ultrasound and other ambulatory specialists. The EUVEKUS headquarters is in Vienna(Austria), having as President and Founding Member Dr.Mihai IACOB, MD, Pediatrics Physician, Senior Medical Expert, Trainer of Family Physicians and General Ultrasound.

Our purpose is the development or implementation of educational and research means, in the field of Clinical Ultrasonography and other new medical imaging technologies, currently used in outpatient healthcare in the European countries, by developing and promoting the Point of Care Ultrasonography. We are using modern techniques of training, implementation, innovation, and research in ultrasonography.

The project called: "The Point of Care Ultrasonography (PoC-US) in Family Medicine", is a new concept for family medicine, which was included only a few curricula and Master Plans at the European level of PHC, to which we were involved up to this moment, and this will be a great challenge for us. We want to be the initiators for the recommendation to use the PoC-US applications in primary care. Of course, these applications will be recommended to a Basic Level and standardized.

We believe that in the future of a modern Family Medicine practice, will be implemented "the clinical-ultrasound examination" in which, besides the patient's history and anamnesis, the objective clinical examination can be complemented by ultrasound visualization of most parenchymal organs and beyond, to increase the accuracy of the positive or differential diagnosis in outpatient medicine, and only through interdisciplinary collaboration in this topic, we can become more competitive in the patient-centered healthcare.

Everyone will benefit from these modern imaging tools:

  1. The general practitioner who will increase his/her diagnostic accuracy, knowledge, through US screening.
  2. The other specialists who will be able to examine patients with real pathology, and will not be overworked to see healthy people,
  3. The medical system will save by reducing overcrowding hospitals, specifically emergency rooms, and also save money knowing that the costs are lower in primary care.
  4. Patients will be more accurately and quickly diagnosed and there will be no unnecessary walks or referred from one doctor to another.

EUVEKUS Objectives:

  1. We want to inform patients and the general public about the health benefits, for primary prevention of illness, and early diagnosis of serious pathologies such as cancer, through the development and use of the Clinical Ultrasound Screening as a cheap, easy to use, without side effects, with high accuracy and diagnostic results similar to more complex investigations such as X-Ray techniques.
  2. Specific training of family physicians and staff with a medical or technical formation, linked to ultrasounds to practice ultrasonography at high-quality standards and development of research on General Ultrasound, by creating the support of national and international multicenter studies and research networks.
  3. Medical education/training to improve General Ultrasonography and development of modern techniques among family physicians and other ambulatory specialists (focus groups, workshops, conferences, symposia, courses on ultrasound topics, telemedicine, ultrasound guidelines, medical publications, ultrasound books).

EUVEKUS wants to facilitate communication and collaboration among the WONCA EUROPE (with networks and its special interest groups), and EFSUMB (the European Federation of Ultrasonography in Medicine and Biology), around this idea. Certainly, after this stage of recommendations, the experts will have to establish protocols and guidelines, for possible applications that we think will be beneficial for all. We express our determination to become one of the WONCA Interest Groups soon.

Finally, we have the great honor to invite you to participate at the next Euroson PoCUS School Vienna, which will take place on 4-5th December 2020, organized by EUVEKUS. The Conference Venue will be at the Wien Krankenhaus Nord - Klink Florisdorf, Vienna, Austria.

It is an important event to promote clinical ultrasonography in Primary Healthcare from Europe, evidenced by participating at the top level as International Keynote Speakers, of the President of WONCA Europe - Prof. Shlomo Vinker (Israel), of the former EFSUMB President - Prof. Paul Sidhu (Great Britain), and the current EFSUMB President Prof. Adrian Saftoiu. It will be a premiere in which decision-makers from WONCA and EFSUMB will meet at the top level, with new perspectives for the development and use of the clinical ultrasonography applications in PHC.

Besides, this activity will provide a platform for networking with many of Europe’s leading experts, focusing on reviewing and assessing best practices in ultrasonography. The meeting program will include presentations, hands-on training, and some informal social gatherings.

Registration and more details about this event can be found directly on the Conference website:


Our story continues ...

Dr. Mihai JACOB, MD, Senior Medical Expert,
EUVEKUS President.
President of Timis Society of Family Medicine.