Athens 2024: time to submit an abstract and get booking!
The deadline to submit an abstract for the 12th IPCRG World Conference is now less than 3 weeks away - submissions close at 23:59 GMT on 8 January 2024. We hope that you have plans in place to submit your work, so to help and motivate you we have written eight reasons why you should make sure to get your abstract submitted, with hints and tips on what we are looking for from your Clinical Research Results and Service Development & Evaluation abstracts to maximise your chances of success!
We also encourage you make your travel arrangements, apply for visas and obtain permission or funding from your organisation as early as possible - the conference falls at the end of Orthodox Easter and the prices of flights and accommodation are already rising! To avoid disappointment, we advise colleagues who require visas to apply early, so please contact Erasmus now to get ahead on your application.