IPCRG October newsletter is out!

IPCRG 12th World Conference, Athens 2024: first session announced!

As we look forward to opening the registration and abstract submissions for the 12th IPCRG World Conference in Athens, each month we will highlight a session to give you a taste of what to expect from the conference programme. This month we are announcing a session on planetary health, one of the topics where the conference theme ‘Creating Change’ is reflected.

The planetary health session aims to look at the dynamic relationship between human health and the health of our planet, exploring the multidisciplinary field of planetary health and examining the interconnections between environmental, social, and human health factors. It will feature Andrée Rochfort from Ireland and Mayara Floss from Brazil, two GP experts with a passion for planetary health.

The session will be oriented towards identifying practical ways to address global environmental challenges, which means promoting health and well-being strategies and initiatives aimed at safeguarding human health within the context of planetary health. This will be complemented by a practical workshop.

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Desktop Helper No.15 - The ‘jigsaw puzzle’ approach to building a diagnostic picture of asthma in primary care over time

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new two-page practical guidance on how to diagnose asthma in primary care, building on a multi-national workshop last year. Asthma diagnosis is not easy because it is a variable condition and there is no single objective test. It therefore requires good quality clinical reasoning. We coordinated the engagement of a global primary care network of asthma diagnosis masters, and have managed to distil 200+ person years of clinical experience and evidence into a short practical guide for primary care. This has been presented at conferences of IPCRG, Wonca Europe, ERS and, shortly, WONCA World.  Still to come: a teaching pack and manuscripts for submission to peer reviewed journals. Contact us if you’d like to translate and adapt for your country!

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For whole newsletter click here