The Medical Faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn invites applications for the position
W3 Professor for General Practice and Family Medicine
at the Institute for General Practice and Family Medicine of the University Hospital Bonn. The position is vacant immediately.
The future position holder is expected to represent the field of General Practice and Family Medicine in research, teaching and patient care. Moreover, he/she will act as the Director of the Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine at the University Hospital Bonn.
Requirements for the position include a university degree in Medicine with postdoctoral lecture qualification (‘Habilitation’) or equivalent scientific achievements, the specialist qualification for General Practice at a level comparable to ‘Facharzt’ as well as practical experience as a General Practitioner. The successful candidate is selected based upon his/her academic profile, competence in teaching and continued education as well as teamwork skills.
The applicant is expected to develop continued education and teaching with his family doctor colleagues at the Institute. In particular, new evidence-based medicine shall be integrated in the teaching of students and used for continued education of doctors. A close collaboration with approximately 160 General Practitioners connected to the Institute is furthermore expected, as this is an important link between patient care at the university level and ambulatory patient care.
Additionally, existing research collaborations in a network of practices involved in research shall be nurtured and extended. International collaborations are furthermore highly desired. The Faculty of Medicine is seeking a qualified scientist with high-ranking publications, competitive third-party funding, experience with implementation of clinical trials and competence in the methodology of health economics and healthcare research. It is expected that foreign applicants are willing to learn German in due time.
We are committed to being an equal opportunity employer in our recruitment efforts.
Qualified candidates should submit documents of application including cover letter, short summary of scientific interests and personal achievements, curriculum vitae, training certificates, list of publications and a maximum of five reprints as well as a completed application form both in German and English within six weeks of publication of this job offer to:
Dean of the Medical Faculty
of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Wernert
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25, 53127 Bonn
Please apply via email to
Regarding the application form and further application guidelines please see: