Latest news from interfamily Clinic Uzhhorod Ukraine - March 2023


Today is the 381st day of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the fifth months of “Interfamily” Clinic activity.

Popularity of the Clinic. 

According to our statistics, during this period more than 4222 patients visited the Clinic which is a success!  For 56% of the patients it was not the first visit. It means that the “Interfamily” Clinic step by step becomes a true family clinic which inspires more confidence in patients and makes them bring here other members of the family and by this follows the basic principal of the family medicine:  “continuity of the medical care”. The majority of the patients are still IDPs though more and more local inhabitants of Uzhhorod become our patients too. The more assigned patients we have the closer we’ll be to our aim to make the Clinic sustainable. 

Why was the Clinic visited 

With the war going on there is no great change as to the gender of our patients: 71% of them are females and 29% are males. The majority of the patients are from 50 till 70 and more years old. The distribution by incidence was the following: Respiratory diseases (23%), Cardiovascular diseases (21%), Bones and skeleton diseases (10%) . With 21 members of the staff including 3 psychotherapists we hope to work on further detecting of mental disorders of IDPs which usually  can trigger old and new diseases.

 In order to overcome an insufficiently accurate diagnostic system we purchased a new Medical Information System "MEDEIR" which will help us to cope with the increasing number of the patients and to optimize the working time of our staff. 

Expanding the Clinic 

With the increasing number of the patients “Interfamily” Clinic started to act with the full employment of the family doctors and specialists and with all 4 examination rooms working during the working day and on Saturdays. Now we are considering the possibility of expanding the Clinic.  

“Screening Advisor web-based platform”

We came back to “Screening advisor”, a special tool that we have made 10 years ago as a prototype of a  similar screening program developed by our colleagues from the USA and Israel. “Screening Advisor web-based platform” tool will help us to solve different health  problems  by means of screening  IDPs. 

Finally to your attention are a short presentation of our research work and a video of one day of our Clinic. 

Click here to download the presentation