New Impact Factor for the European Journal of General Practice.

On 28 June 2023, the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database was updated with Impact Factor (IF) indicators for 2022. The new IF for The European Journal of General Practice (EJGP) is 3.4. Although it is slightly lower than in 2021 (3.636), our journal keeps its first quartile (Q1) position in the SCIE category of Primary Health Care (4 out of 17 journals). This is due to the fact that the IF for most journals in the Primary Health Care category has slightly decreased. It is also worth noting that the five year IF for EJGP has increased from 5.654 (2021) to 6.5 (2022).

The Journal Impact Factor measures the citation rate of journals and was created in 1975 by Eugene Garfield, founder of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) (now Clarivate Analytics). It is calculated for journals that are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports database created by Clarivate Analytics. It determines the average number of citations in a given year for publications from the previous two years divided by the number of documents indexed over the same 2-year period.

The new value of the IF indicator, and especially maintaining the Q1 position, is undoubtedly a success for EJGP and the entire scientific community of European family physicians. Congratulations!

It is worth recalling that EJGP ( is an open access journal and this is supported by an article processing charge (APC) typically paid by the author’s funding body or institution. There is a 20% discount for fully accredited individual members of WONCA Europe to the Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing their work. Discount codes are available through the member organizations (colleges, associations) belonging to WONCA Europe and should be presented during the submission of the article. Authors who are not eligible for a society discount or who are not based at an institution with a publishing agreement with Taylor & Francis may be eligible for APC discretionary waivers.

Professor Jelle Stoffers - Editor-in-Chief,
Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Professor Adam Windak - Associate Editor,

WONCA Europe EB member at large
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland