Radost Asenova was awarded a special award “Doctor of the Year 2022” in the category of "Overall contribution to the development of General Practice / Family Medicine" by the Bulgarian Regional Medical Association.
The award was presented at a solemn ceremony attended by the chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association and Rector of the Medical University of Plovdiv.
Assoc. Prof. Professor Asenova is Head of the Department of Urology and General Practice at Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She is a National representative and an Executive Board member of WONCA EUROPE, a liaison for EGPRN. Dr Asenova is one of the former and the first chair of the Bulgarian General Practice Society for Research and Education (BGPSRE). She is a member of the Editorial Boards of leading journals in the field of scientific interest and the honorary secretary of the Bulgarian General Practice Journal. Dr Asenova is currently responsible for many educational and research activities for under- and postgraduate students, residents, and family doctors as well.
Since Dr Asenova was attending the WONCA Executive Board meeting at the moment, the award was accepted by her daughter Mila Asenova, a 6th year medical student and a fourth-generation doctor in the family.