The European Journal of General Practice (EJGP) is the official journal of WONCA Europe. The EJGP is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal for general practice/family medicine, established in 1995 and published online and in print with 4 issues per year. The journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, CAB Abstracts, SciSearch and Scopus.
Our journal EJGP publishes not only research papers, but also clinical lessons and background papers, on a broad variety of topics, relevant for general practitioners/family doctors across Europe. Priority is given to publications that add to our knowledge of clinical decision-making, medical education, health care management and organisation, and research methodology. In its peer review process and publication policy, the EJGP respects regional differences in health care systems, cultural backgrounds, and stages of societal and economic development. We receive and publish contributions from colleagues across Europe, from Finland to Turkey and from Ireland to Romania.Please take a look at:
Since June 2009, Jelle Stoffers is the Editor-in-Chief. In 2011, the EJGP has been accepted for inclusion in the Science Citation Index Expanded and Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, beginning with the first issue of 2009. Consequently, the journal had its first Impact Factor calculated in 2012 and our first impact Factor was 1.130, making the journal rank 8 of the 14 journals in the subject category ‘primary health care’.
Submissions to the EJGP are steadily increasing, the journal has a fine team of editors from all over Europe. Our production process is on time and stable and the collaboration with the publisher Informa Healthcare is mutually appreciated. Our ambition is to have the widest possible circulation of the EJGP’s publications for as many European GPs/FDs as possible.
To increase the general knowledge about the EJGP and to drive and increase awareness and usage of the EJGP content, we would like to offer to all members of the WONCA Europe member organizations a time-limited free online access to the European Journal of General Practice from March 1st to May 31st, 2013.
The access will be through each national organization’s website (pass word protected part of the site) and the practical matters on this time limited offer is arranged between Informa Healthcare and each national society. Please contact Håkan Pårup at Informa Healthcare for further information on online access for your members. Please just send an e-mail to Håkan at hakan.parup@informa.comor call him at +46 8 440 80 44 and Informa Healthcare will get back with information and instructions on how to get onlineaccess. The publisher will not use the access and/or member information for any other purpose than providing free time limited access to the EJGP.
After this free online access period, Informa Healthcare would like to get back to you with a subscription offer for the EJGP online to your national organization (with an option for the printed version as well).
We hope that you share our vision that the European Journal of General Practice has a great potential as the leading scientific communication medium for the members of your organization and its sister organizations in Europe.
We hope you will appreciate the offer of a three month trial period of free online access to the European Journal of General Practice for your members. We warmly recommend this opportunity for your members to become even more acquainted with the scientific journal for all European GPs/FDs.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Mathie, President WONCA Europe
Håkan Pårup, Publisher at Informa Healthcare
Jelle Stoffers, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of General Practice