WONCA Europe at Community 365 Roundtable Meeting on #CancerCare Needs in the Community Setting

“GPs are a crucial near-at-hand link for #CancerPatients when they leave the hospital, especially in rural areas. Often patients can be more than 40kms from their cancer treatment center” WONCA Europe President Elect prof Thomas Frese was a guest speaker at Community 365 Roundtable Meeting on #CancerCare Needs in the Community Setting organised by @EuropeanCancer https://www.europeancancer.org/ in 03/10/2022.

WONCA Europe Past President Prof Mehmet Ungan attended the meeting as well.

As the not-for-profit federation of Member Societies working in cancer at a European level, the European Cancer Organisation convenes oncology professionals and patients to agree on policy, advocate for positive change and speak up for the European cancer community. Each of its 41 Member Societies provides specific expertise in its discipline or profession in cancer. Each of its Focused Topic Networks is led by two or more representatives of our Member Societies. In addition, European Cancer Organisation has ongoing collaboration agreements to ensure they work together with other international organisations who share their mission among which is WONCA Europe.