During the Middle East & Mediterranean Conference of the American College of Cardiology (ACC), which took place in Athens, Greece, November 3rd-5th, 2023, a special session was held - a round table in Health Workforce Capacity Development, where Ferdinando Petrazzuoli, WONCA Europe Executive Board member-at-large, gave a presentation on The State of Health Workforce in Europe. The title of his presentation was “Review major stressors such as burnout, excessive workloads, and understaffing. Discuss policy frameworks proposed by regional advocacy groups as a call to action and guide for developing sustainable workforce solutions”. The WONCA Europe Statement for the 73rd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe “Shortage of European Primary Care Workforce” and the WONCA Europe statement “Shortage of European Primary Care Workforce”, the latter of which was presented at the Brussels Conference in June 2023, were repeatedly mentioned during the roundtable.
More information: https://accme-em2023.com/