WONCA Europe at the UEMO General Assembly. Murcia, 26-27/10/2023

Over 26 and 27 October, Jose-Miguel Bueno, WONCA Europe Executive Board member-at-large, represented WONCA Europe at the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) Autumn General Assembly in the city of Murcia, Spain. Delegates from 20 countries and some UEM attended. 

The UEMO also held a joint session with European Junior Doctors (EJD) to approve the Murcia Declaration on the future of general practice and family medicine in European healthcare. https://www.uemo.eu/uemo-ejd-murcia-declaration/ 

The winter shortages of medicines was discussed, and as a result of that discussion UEMO adopted a statement calling on European Medicines Agency (EMA), Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) and responsible national agencies to urgently resolve this issue in the interests of patient safety and wellbeing. https://www.uemo.eu/alert-of-medicine-shortages-in-eu/ 

UEMO also discussed the recent events in Israel and Gaza and the need to protect and respect access to healthcare and, ensure the safety of civilians and healthcare workers. https://www.uemo.eu/uemo-statement-on-the-israel-and-gaza-situation/ 

Finally, UEMO also agreed a statement of support for colleagues in the United Kingdom over their concern and opposition to the trend of physician substitution by 'Physician Assistants’. https://www.uemo.eu/uemo-statement-supporting-uk-doctors/ 

Jose M Bueno gave a short presentation about WE’s history, aims, structure, networks, special interest groups, organisations in collaboration- among which is UEMO-, working parties etc. Also included were references to 2023 revision of the definition of General practice/family medicine, WE Conference 2023 open meeting, WE Conference 2023 statement, permanent support to Ukraine, communication strategy including newsletter and social media, WE statement for the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe “Shortage of European Primary Care workforce”. At the end of his presentation Jose-M Bueno invited delegates to attend the WONCA Europe Conference 2024 in Dublin. 

Dr João Grenho, Secretary-General of UEMO, gave an overview of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) system by videoconference.

Dr Sara Calderon, a Spanish GP based in the UK, gave a keynote speech on what makes GP’s move abroad in Europe, and provided concrete policy recommendations.

More information can be found here: https://www.uemo.eu/