WONCA Europe Executive Board takes this opportunity to announce a Call for Nominations for the "WONCA Europe Award for Excellence in Health Care: The 5 Star Doctor 2021". The winner of this award will receive a certificate, and will be a European candidate for the WONCA World Award of 2021 in Abu Dhabi. The WONCA Europe 5 Star Doctor Award 2021 will be presented at the WONCA Europe Virtual Conference 2021, July 6 -10, 2021.
Please note that no travel or other costs will be reimbursed for the participation in the Abu Dhabi conference.
The WONCA Europe 5 Star Doctor is an outstanding family physician/general practitioner active in patient care as a practitioner. The criteria for the WONCA Europe Award are as follows:
• a nominee must meet the principle of the 5 Star Doctor
• the "Towards Unity for Health" criteria will be kept in mind: the attributes of the 5 Star Doctor are:
- care provider who considers the patient as an integral part of a family and the community and provides high standard clinical care (excluding or diagnosing serious illness and injury, manages chronic disease and disability) and personalises preventive care within a long term, trusting relationship
- decision maker, who chooses which technologies to apply ethically and cost-effectively while enhancing the care that he or she provides;
- communicator, who is able to promote healthy life-styles by emphatic explanation, thereby empowering individuals and groups to enhance and protect their health;
- community leader, who has won the trust of the people among whom he or she works, who can reconcile individual and community health requirements and initiate action on behalf of the community;
- team member, who can work harmoniously with individuals and organisations, within and outside the health care system, to meet his or her patients and community's needs.
• a nominee should be a primary care physician/family doctor who in addition to providing regular patient care:
- provides innovative services for a community or special patient group;
- developed services where they were previously not available;
- supported colleagues in another region, country or college;
- performed academic work (teaching, research, quality assurance) of exceptional quality and relevance.
• a nominee needs to be a primary care physician/family doctor
• a nominee can work outside his or her region, or create something that can be used outside his or her region or serve as a role model to other regions
The WONCA Europe 5 Star Doctor Award Committee for 2021 consists of:
• Eva Hummers, WONCA Europe Hon. Secretary (Chair)
• Davorina Petek, EGPRN
• Nele Michels, EURACT
• Jean-Pierre Jacquet, EURIPA
• Carlos Martins, EUROPREV
Nominations should be submitted on the attached form (which has to be filled in completely) before March 1st, 2021 to: WONCA Europe Secretariat: SecretariatEurope@wonca.net.
The 5 Star Doctor 2021 will be notified by April 1st, 2021.