WONCA Europe EB Online Meeting March 2023

A summary of the March Online WONCA Europe EB meeting:

The WONCA Europe Executive Board met online on Monday, 6 March 2023 for a regular monthly meeting. 

WONCA Europe received 4 bids for the 2026 WONCA Europe Conference Call: Turkey (Antalya), Greece (Athens), Germany (Munich) and France (Paris). The applications are with the Executive Board for a first assessment. The host of the 2026 Conference will be awarded by voting during the Council Meeting in Brussels.

On March 2, Shlomo Vinker moderated a live webinar with EASO on World Obesity Day. Our lecture was given by Prof. Özden Gökdemir from WONCA Europe SIG on lifestyle medicine.

Proposed amendments to WONCA Europe Bylaws were announced. 

The theme for the WONCA Europe open meeting 2023 will be “Balance between traditional face-to-face and new telemedicine options”

WONCA Europe will continue with a series of webinars on the topic “debates in cancer screening” according to the following schedule:


22 March 2023, Wednesday, 18.30 CET: Controversies in cancer screening: Prostate Cancer
Pro screening: Hendrik Van Poppel
Against screening: John Brandt
Moderator: Ferdinando Petrazzuoli

28 March 2023, Tuesday, 18.30 CET: Controversies in cancer screening: Gastric Cancer
Pro screening: Marcis Leja
Against screening: Juan Mendive
Moderator: Mehmet Ungan

13 April 2023, Thursday, 18.30 CEST: Controversies in cancer screening: Lung Cancer
Pro screening: Jan van Meerbeeck
Against screening: Carlos Martins
Moderator: Shlomo Vinker