WONCA Europe Executive Board statement on the latest developments in the Israel/Palestine conflict


The WONCA Europe Executive Board is profoundly saddened by the devastating developments on the Israel side, as well as on the Palestine side. Once again, innocent civilians are suffering and healthcare workers are forced to work in extreme circumstances, in constant fear for their life.

The WONCA Europe Executive Board expresses its deepest sympathy with the affected populations. We offer our strongest support to all healthcare workers in the region, now working under extreme duress to continue the provision of healthcare to civilians, who in crises, suffer the most.

In recent days, the world has watched in horror as terrorist attacks killed unsuspecting men, women and children from Israel and many other nations. Until now civilians are held as hostages. All of us recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians  who seek a peaceful outcome. 

The WONCA Europe Executive Board calls for protection of civilians from the damage and for safe and bearable working conditions for all health personnel. We urge our members to reach out and support our colleagues in the affected region, and if possible, provide assistance on a practical level.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all colleagues and their families and patients who are affected