WONCA Europe meets with the newly elected President of Ukrainian Association of Family Medicine


On April 11th WONCA Europe President, Prof. Vinker, conducted a Zoom meeting with the new elected President of the Ukrainian Association of Family Medicine (UAFM), Professor Olexander Tolstanov and its Executive Board member Professor Victoria Tkachenko.

Dr Harris Lygidakis, CEO of WONCA World, was in attendance with Prof Vinker to congratulate both professors Tolstanov and Tkachenko on their new positions 

After the congratulations, the current situation with family medicine/primary care in Ukraine was approached. The challenges of UAFM and its future plans were discussed in the context of the war. Future cooperation and support of WONCA Europe were outlined as well.

Once the next meetings with their colleagues had been scheduled, both Ukrainian representatives were invited to participate in the next WONCA Europe Council Meeting in Brussels.