Overdiagnosis in Health Care and Overmedicalisation of the Society – 68th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

During the 68th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, on behalf of WONCA Europe, Anna Stavdal presented the statement "Overdiagnosis in health care and overmedicalisation of the society" under the agend item "Advancing public health in the WHO European Region for sustainable development". This statement was supported by: the European and World Federation of Occupational Therapists (COTEC and WFOT), European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC), Medicus Mundi International, Studiorum, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe and the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM).

"Overdiagnosis has an immense impact; it decreases the quality of healthcare, puts patients at risk of harm, over-stretches health systems, is costly and undermines population health. Overdiagnosis is a publichealth matter: it does harm to healthy individuals and steel resources from those who are in the greatest needs of medical care."
