European Training Requirements for GP/FM Specialist Training – EURACT Document 2018

WONCA Europe and its teaching organization EURACT have produced several important documents on the definition and description of the General Practice/Family Medicine (GP/FM) specialty. EURACT specifically dealt with the different aspects of education in GP/FM – from undergraduate to specialist education – and also incorporated continuous medical education/continuous professional development. EURACT has documented the European landscape of specialist training for GP/FM: there are some common features but also great diversity.

EURACT’s subcommittee, the “Specialist Training Committee” has taken the initiative to make a compilation of the many educational documents (from 2006 to 2014) and to add some recommendations for Specialist GP/FM training in Europe.

It is our hope that this document can be used as an inspiration and guidance for all countries to bring their GP/FM specialist education and training to the highest standards, warranting registration of GP/FM as a medical specialty. The patients in GP/FM across Europe deserve excellently trained specialists in GP/FM.

The document was adopted by the WONCA Europe Council on May 24th, 2018.


Nele Michels, Roar Maagaard & Nynke Scherpbier-de Haan, on behalf of the Specialist Training Committee of EURACT

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ungan, President of WONCA Europe
