WONCA Europe Newsletter
March 2021
Dear WONCA colleagues,
The COVID pandemic continues to affect our lives, and after more than one year the end is still far. We learned a lot during this year (108,742 publications in PubMed) and challenged by fake news and anti-COVID and anti vaccinations activists. After many studies, we found most of the tested anti-COVID medications ineffective and some even harmful. Vaccination seems to be very effective and raised issues as priorities and equity in an era of shortage.
Our professional life changed, and the virtual Amsterdam conference may serve as a good opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge. See you all (virtually) in Amsterdam.
On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
And on behalf of the editors
Shlomo Vinker, President-Elect of WONCA Europe
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editor
Upcoming Events
An update of the survey of general practitioners conducted by the EAACI Working Group on Primary CareLast year, the EAACI Working Group on Primary Care invited the WONCA network to help us to identify how we can better assist you in allergic disease management by assessing your interest and educational needs on this topic, by means of a survey. Thank you for supporting us with this work. The aim was to update the current educational needs of European General Practitioners (GP’s). We considered that the new knowledge generated in this research would help to inform the development of future educational initiatives aimed at supporting the delivery of allergy services in primary care. |
Allergy in ICD-11: Updates and Perspectives of the Eleventh Edition of the International Classification of DiseasesAllergic and hypersensitivity conditions (A/H) are one of the fastest growing conditions worldwide, becoming a major public health problem. A/H are now the fourth most chronic disease in the world. WHO predicts that in 2050, 1 in 2 people in the world will suffer from allergies with a steady increase in A/H, especially in industrialized countries. Most of cases of A/H are first seen by general practitioners (GPs), pediatricians or emergency doctors. However, until now, A/H disorders have been under-represented in the World Health Organisation, International Classification of Diseases. (WHO ICD.) |
Abstract book for the Berlin conference publishedThe abstract book for "The European Conference of Family Doctors 2020 - Berlin/Virtual" conference have been published. You may download this book together with older abstract books from previous years from our website. |
ASCEND introduces new podcasts and workshopsThe Academy for Science and Continuing Education in Diabetes and Obesity (ASCEND) is a free online CME-accredited educational content covering diabetes and obesity. The E-learning Portal is a learning programme to support general practitioners/family physicians to improve patient outcomes through interactive knowledge and skills-based learning. Wonca Europe has been partnering with ASCEND to review and endorse its educational activities. |
You may send your events and news pieces directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.