The WONCA Europe Open Meeting is a regular session at every WONCA Europe Conference and it gives the members the possibility to discuss and interact with the members of the WONCA Europe Executive Board.
This year the WONCA Europe Open Meeting this year will be dedicated to the challenges of general practice in crisis times in Ukraine.
Opening, Prof. Shlomo Vinker, WONCA Europe President (5min)
Orest Mulka, Honorary Professor of Family Medicine at the Medical University of Lviv, Ukraine: Family Medicine in the first years after Ukraine’s independence in 1991 (15 min)
Victoria Tkachenko, Professor, MD, PhD, Dr Sci in Med: Challenges and achievements of family medicine as specialty in Ukraine: results of healthcare reformations and problems in post occupied territories in central part of Ukraine (15 min)
Pavlo Kolesnyk, Associate Professor: Achievements in refugees' medical support in the western region of Ukraine (15 min)
Discussion: moderators Prof. Thomas Frese, WONCA Europe President and Prof. Adam Windak, WONCA Europe Executive Board Member (20 min)
Closure: Prof. Shlomo Vinker, WONCA Europe President
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27-28 June 2022, London, UK
27th WONCA Europe Conference
28 June - 1 July 2022, London, UK
31st Janko Kersnik International EURACT BLED Course
14-17 September 2022, Bled, Slovenia
11th EURIPA Rural Health Forum
6-8 October 2022, Sicily, Italy
95th EGPRN Meeting
20-23 October 2022, Antwerp, Belgium
The Leonardo EURACT Level 1 Course
30 March - 1 April 2023, Malta
The 94th EGPRN Meeting, İstanbul-Turkey
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The IPCRG is has announced the IPCRG Research Prioritisation Awards, which will support their recent research prioritisation exercise. 10 awards of up to £5,000 will be provided over 2 rounds, with submission deadlines of the 31st October...
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