WONCA Europe Treasurer Prof. Dr. Josep Vilaseca talks about the development and launch of the new exciting CME programme on COVID-19, created in collaboration with EURACT & Mirrors of Medicine. The COVID-19 CME for GPs - available for free at https://ppcp.mirrorsmed.org/topic/overview/covi...
2021 Public
What do we know about the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the COVID19 disease? ???? How does it spread? What are the means one can take to minimise the risk of being infected? ???? Are contacts with pets of any risk? ???????? Learn more in our 100 seconds info-video.
2020 Public
Speakers: Dr Hassan Salah, Regional Advisor on Primary Care , WHO EMRO Professor Mehmet Ungan , President, WONCA Europe Chair Person: Dr Jinan Al-Usta , President, WONCA Eastern Mediterranean Region Discussion Panelists: Dr Ali Abutiheen, Consultant Family Physician, Associate Pro...
2020 Public
WHO Region Europe and WONCA Europe joint webinar. Recorded June 4th, 2020 16:30 CEST
2020 Public
Speaking at the daily COVID-19 media briefing from WHO HQ on 11 March 2020, Dr Tedros, WHO Director-General said: "WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.We h...
2020 Public
Wonca Europe President Mehmet Ungan talking to Family Doctors on Covid-19
2020 Public