The Family Doctor Is There - WONCA Europe

Let’s promote the diversity of the European family medicine! This video is a result of a joint effort among the Norwegian College of General Practice, UEMO and WONCA Europe. Our goal is to attain universal coverage of family doctors. A prerequisite for that, is to communicate what we can offer to the public and our patients, and highlight that we wish to develop our services alongside them. It is of equal importance that we help our stakeholders, the policy makers and the politicians, understand the core of our profession. Europe is diverse in many aspects; practising family medicine is not an exception. But we all do share the same core values. UEMO, the European Union of General Practitioners / Family Physicians, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this month! On this special occasion, Kjartan Olafsson, vice-president of UEMO, took the initiative to produce the English version of this video in collaboration with WONCA Europe. Let us take the opportunity to congratulate UEMO on the anniversary! And let us also extend an invitation: are you aware of other videos showing family medicine in Europe? If yes, please help us share them! Send us an email to communications (at) We are looking forward to promoting the different aspects of family medicine across our region.

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