WONCA Europe Newsletter May 2022

WONCA Europe Newsletter
May 2022

Dear colleagues,

19th of May is the World Family Doctor day! You are always there to care: In rather usual times, during the COVID 19 pandemic, and even under the conditions of war you are ready to provide high quality healthcare to your patients. The trust to receive healthcare when needed and independent of what the circumstances are is a great certainty to your patients and makes a real difference for them. This is why we would like to congratulate you for all your achievements and thank you for your engagement in providing care, teaching and research!

With the very best wishes on behalf of the Executive Board!

On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Thomas Frese, President-elect
Sonia Tsukagoshi, VdGM, Member at large
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors

The WONCA Europe president’s corner

Dear colleagues,

We all should be proud every day for being family doctors, and to serve and treat our patients and their families. The COVID-19 was a real challenge to all healthcare providers, but especially for us, family doctors in the frontline of the pandemic. On our World Family Doctors Day we should be optimistic for the future of ourselves, our profession and our patients.


Professor Shlomo Vinker
WONCA Europe President

Upcoming Events

EFPC 2022 Webinar series - Positive Health in community care
23 May 2022,

VdGM Preconference 2022
27-28 June 2022, London, UK

27th WONCA Europe Conference
28 June - 1 July 2022, London, UK

11th EURIPA Rural Health Forum
6-8 October 2022, Sicily, Italy

You may send your events and news pieces directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.