WONCA Europe Newsletter
June 2024
Editor's Preface
We are pleased to share with you the June edition of our newsletter.
You may find out about our Networks, Special Interest Groups and Working parties’ activities, including the 64th EQuiP Conference, the EURIPA Forum 2024, 1st EURACT Leonardo Course in Ukraine, IPCRG May 2024 Newsletter and an interview with EUROPREV’s chair John Brodersen.
Moreover, you may learn more about WONCA Europe Executive Board activities through our monthly meeting summary.
Additionally, details of our participation in 2024 EU4HEALTH stakeholder’s Conference are also featured in this edition.
If you could not attend our Advancements in Obesity Management (AOM) webinar/course, you can find all content recorded on our website
Please do not forget to register for the engaging Free Online Course on Early Chronic Kidney Disease Detection launched by WONCA Europe
To those of our readers who are starting their summer holidays we wish them a relaxing and fulfilling break.
Please keep updated visiting our web page and follow us on our Twitter (@WoncaEurope), Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Thomas Frese, President-elect
Jose M Bueno, EQuiP Member-at-large
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors
President’s Corner
Dear colleagues,
The spring brought enhanced academic and professional activity both on the national and international levels.
Celebrating Family Doctors Day, I sent pre-recorded greetings to the Ukrainian Rural Doctors Association (EURIPA-Ukraine) for their first conference.
I attended the annual meeting of the Hungarian Association of Family Doctors (HAOSZ), following the invitation of their president, Dr. Békássy Szabolcs. I shortly presented WONCA and joined a panel discussion on the challenges to family medicine in Hungary in the face of a shortage of healthcare personnel and the introduction of academic nurse practitioners. The panel included the family medicine leaders in Hungary, Dr. Pavlos Theodorakis from the WHO, and Prof. Bethlehem József, vice Rector at the University of Pécs.
The head of the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical Faculty of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, Prof. Dr. Erika Zelko, invited me to a symposium about the future of general medicine in Austria. Prof. Dr. Igor Švab gave a keynote lecture about the importance of academic general medicine. I followed him with my keynote lecture about the challenges of general medicine from the organisational and innovative point of view. Dr. Susanne Rabady, the Austrian Association of Family Physicians chair (OBGAM) chair, was the last speaker. We all joined a panel discussion that included local politicians, healthcare, and public healthcare leaders about the specific challenges of primary care and family medicine in Austria.
In between, we are accelerating our preparations for our Annual WONCA Europe conference in Dublin and looking forward to seeing you all face-to-face.
Prof Shlomo Vinker
WONCA Europe President
Upcoming Events
You may send your events and news articles directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.