WONCA Europe Newsletter, October 2023

WONCA Europe Newsletter
October 2023


It is a pleasure to share with you the October issue of our newsletter.

You may find out about our Networks, Special Interest Groups and Working Parties activities, including EURACT Conference, the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG)’s September newsletter and WONCA Europe Working Party on Policy Advocacy’s first newsletter. EGPRN meeting took place last week and EURIPA will meet this week. The respective information will be included in our next newsletter as well as the last EQUIP Assembly meeting report.

Moreover, you may learn more about WONCA Europe Executive Board activities through our last virtual monthly meeting summary.

Furthermore, you may learn more about the Perio&Family Doctors campaign, launched by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and WONCA Europe, featuring informative materials for oral and non-oral health professionals, and for the general public, in seven European languages.

To those who go to Sydney, we wish a safe trip and that they enjoy the WONCA World meeting (and Conference) – you may have a look on the WE talk sessions we held with the candidates for EB Members-at-Large and our candidate for the WONCA World Presidency, Prof. Mehmet Ungan.

We should not forget those who are affected by the terrorist attacks in Israel and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Please keep updated visiting our web page and follow us in our Twitter (@WoncaEurope), Facebook and LinkedIn.

On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Thomas Frese, President-elect
Jose M Bueno, EQuiP Member at large
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors

The WONCA Europe president’s corner

Dear Members,

I write to you this time not only as the President of WONCA Europe but also as a family doctor and a citizen of the State of Israel. Last Saturday, my country endured a brutal terrorist attack where over a thousand elderly people, women, children, infants, and entire families were ruthlessly murdered. Dozens more were kidnapped to an unknown fate, and at an outdoor party, hundreds of young people were brutally killed, their bodies mutilated. Even now, a week after the massacre, many of them remain unidentified.

I do not seek pity, sympathy, or support in writing this message. I hope only for one thing – that all of you understand the enemy my country, the State of Israel, faces. Those who do not comprehend now may never understand the war in which Israel is engaged – a war we are determined to win.

We will bury our dead and mourn them. We will care for and rehabilitate the wounded. However, the profound and enduring emotional impact on many is deep and painful. As family doctors and caregivers, we will continue to grapple with these challenges of recovery for many years.

I am writing to you from Israel, where I have to stay due to the recent events, instead of being with you at the WONCA World Conference in Sydney. I would like you to please feel my absence and to remember the reasons for my absence.

Yours sincerely,

Prof Shlomo Vinker
WONCA Europe President


Summary of the WONCA Europe Executive Board October Online Meeting

The European Journal of General Practice (EJGP) will soon be retired. A call for applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief has been started. Additionally, upcoming WONCA Europe Webinars were highlighted, with a special session scheduled...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe Executive Board statement on the latest developments in the Israel/Palestine conflict

 The WONCA Europe Executive Board is profoundly saddened by the devastating developments on the Israel side, as well as on the Palestine side. Once again, innocent civilians are suffering and healthcare workers are forced to work...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Surfing the waves of changes in General Practice/Family Medicine Education. 3rd EURACT Educational Conference

The 3rd EURACT scientific conference on education in family medicine was held on October 5 - 7, 2023 in Bled, Slovenia.  This significant event, postponed in 2020 and 2022 due to the pandemic, was organized by the European Academy of...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Teamwork for better health: dentists and family doctors join forces to improve patient care

Leading experts make the case for a collaborative management of periodontitis together with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, smoking and hyperlipidaemia. The...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

IPCRG September 2023 newsletter is out !

IPCRG/AstraZeneca summit: Making Right Care Easy Asthma Right Care aims to apply the evidence of social movements for health to gain acceptance globally that we have problems to solve in the...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

EGPRN Fellowship interview with Jelena Danilenko

The EGPRN offers fellowship program for primary care researchers who are early in their research careers, and who would like to be mentoring during a Zoom-based practical course on research skills. Here is the interview with one...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Conversations in Nephrology: 4 new PCP focussed KDIGO Podcasts

CKD is underdiagnosed and undertreated in the community1 and is often a silent component in multi-morbid patients. Early identification, risk stratification, and treatment can reduce the morbidity and mortality rates from CKD and its related...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe Working Party on Policy Advocacy Newsletter

WONCA Europe Working Party on Policy Advocacy has just produced it first Newsletter to update you on the latest developments and upcoming initiatives  Do not miss it Click here to view WONCA Europe Working Party on Policy Advocacy

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Call for WONCA Europe Scholarship Candidates

Call for WONCA Europe Scholarship Candidates The WONCA Europe Scholarship Committee is excited to invite outstanding individuals to apply for the WONCA Europe Scholarship. This scholarship is meant to support and encourage two exceptional...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe Executive Board meetings with Networks and WESIGs

During the recent WONCA Europe conference in Brussels, the WONCA Europe Executive Board met with Networks and WESIGs for their annual meeting. This meeting served as a platform for sharing updates on recent activities and discussing future...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Upcoming Events

Latest insights into managing COVID-19 in family medicine
17 October 2023, Webinar

12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum
19-21 October 2023, Călimănești-Căciulata-Romania

WONCA World Conference 2023
26-29 October 2023, International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney, Australia

Webinar: Reflection on Adult and Elderly Health: Early Detection, Prevention, and Vaccination
29 November 2023, Webinar

EYFDM Forum 2024
12-13 April 2024, Tech Gate, Vienna, Austria

29th WONCA Europe Conference
25-28 September 2024, The Convention Centre Dublin, Dublin, Ireland



You may send your events and news articles directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.