WONCA Europe Newsletter, November 2023

WONCA Europe Newsletter
November 2023

Editor's Preface

It is a pleasure to share with you the November issue of our newsletter.

You may find out about our Networks, Special Interest Groups and Working Parties activities, including EQUIP Assembly meeting, 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum, 97th EGPRN Meeting as well as IPCRG’s October newsletter.

Moreover, you may learn more about WONCA Europe Executive Board activities through our last virtual monthly meeting summary.

WE has been very active internationally, taking part in the “Primary health care policy and practice: implementing for better results" Conference, followed by the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, both of which were held in Kazakhstan; and in the UEMO General Assembly in Spain.

Please do not miss our next two webinars: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Transforming Lives through Movement Medicine on 23 November 2023, and Reflection on Adult and Elderly Health: Early Detection, Prevention, and Vaccination on 14 December 2023.

Furthermore, you may learn more about the Perio&Family Doctors campaign, launched by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and WONCA Europe, featuring informative materials for oral and non-oral health professionals, and for the general public.

Please keep updated visiting our web page and follow us in our Twitter (@WoncaEurope), Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Thomas Frese, President-elect
Jose M Bueno, EQuiP Member-at-large
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors

President’s Corner

Dear Members,

As we immerse ourselves in the autumn events, marked by numerous conferences and scientific meetings, it brings me great pleasure to communicate with you. Over the past weeks, many of us participated in various local, national, and international conferences. You'll find insights and summaries from several events in this newsletter.

Regrettably, due to the ongoing war in my home country, Israel, I found myself unable to attend the World Conference in Sydney physically. However, I had the privilege of virtually joining the WONCA World Council meeting, ensuring our association's continued global presence.

WONCA Europe has reinforced its collaborations with international bodies in the last month. Our representatives actively participated in important meetings, such as the WHO annual regional meeting and the UEMO assembly, further elevating our professional impact.

I remain hopeful for more peaceful and creative moments on the horizon.

Yours sincerely,

Prof Shlomo Vinker
WONCA Europe President


WONCA Europe at the UEMO General Assembly. Murcia, 26-27/10/2023

Over 26 and 27 October, Jose-Miguel Bueno, WONCA Europe Executive Board member-at-large, represented WONCA Europe at the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) Autumn General Assembly in the city of Murcia, Spain. Delegates from 20...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Family doctors: look closely at your patients’ mouths

The Perio & Family Doctors campaign, led by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and the European Regional Branch of the World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA Europe), unites dental health professionals and family doctors to...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Summary of the November Online WONCA Europe EB meeting

The WONCA Europe Executive Board met online on Monday, 6 November 2023, for a monthly meeting. The President's report included updates from WONCA Sydney 2023 and relevant issues related to WONCA Europe. The deadline for...

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97th EGPRN Meeting. Prague, 12-15/10/2023

The 97th EGPRN meeting took place at The House of Doctors in Prague, Czechia Republic between 12 - 15 October 2023, under the theme "Innovative technologies and methods in General Practice". 192 delegates from over 32 countries attended...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe at the 73 session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. Astana, 24-26/11/2023 #RC73Astana.  

Prof. Zalika Klemenc Ketiš, WONCA Europe Honorary Treasurer, represented WONCA Europe (WE) and WONCA World (WW) at the three-day meeting of the WHO regional committee for Europe, held in Astana (Kazakhstan) on October 24-26, 2023. ...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe at the “Primary health care policy and practice: implementing for better results" Conference. Astana, 23/10/2023

Zalika Klemenc Ketis, WONCA Europe Treasurer, represented WONCA Europe and WONCA World at the conference "Primary health care policy and practice: implementing for better results", an official side event of the 73rd session of the WHO...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

CKD in PCP webinar on-demand published

WONCA Europe is delighted to endorse and support the on-demand webcast “CKD in primary care: early identification and intervention for improved outcomes” by Springer Healthcare IME. Co-chairs Prof Samuel Seidu and Prof Baruch Izthak...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

EQUIP Assembly report. Zagreb, 22nd-23rd September 2023

"Improving Health for All – Creating Synergies between Primary Care and Public Health" is the title of the 2024 EQUIP Conference, which will take place in Ghent, Belgium, on 25th-27th April 2024. The host organisers are Domus...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

WONCA Europe at the Middle East & Mediterranean Conference of the American College of Cardiology, Greece

During the Middle East & Mediterranean Conference of the American College of Cardiology (ACC), which took place in Athens, Greece, November 3rd-5th, 2023, a special session was held - a round table in Health Workforce Capacity Development,...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

"Rural Family Medicine – looking to the future”. 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum

The 12th EURIPA Rural Health Forum was held in Călimănești-Căciulata, Romania, from 19th – 21st October 2023. The title of the conference was "Rural Family Medicine – looking to the future” and was organised under the...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

IPCRG October newsletter is out!

IPCRG 12th World Conference, Athens 2024: first session announced! As we look forward to opening the registration and abstract submissions for the 12th IPCRG World Conference in Athens, each month we will highlight a session to give...

Click here to read the rest of this article on our website.

Upcoming Events

Launch: Therapeutic patient education: a ‘how-to’ implementation guide
15 November 2023, Virtual

Webinar: Beyond the Prescription Pad: Transforming Lives through Movement Medicine
23 November 2023, Webinar

Webinar: Reflection on Adult and Elderly Health: Early Detection, Prevention, and Vaccination
14 December 2023, Webinar

EYFDM Forum 2024
12-13 April 2024, Tech Gate, Vienna, Austria

98th EGPRN Meeting
9-12 May 2024, Porto, Portugal

29th WONCA Europe Conference
25-28 September 2024, The Convention Centre Dublin, Dublin, Ireland



You may send your events and news articles directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.